What is a Tax Investigation?
Many tax investigations occur randomly. However, unusual fluctuations, undisclosed accounts, and irregular spending can also trigger an enquiry into individuals and companies.
HMRC has the authority to inspect business documents and assets at your premises, request additional documents and information, conduct unannounced inspections, and investigate matters going back up to six years.
These investigations can be disruptive, intrusive, and costly. When HMRC investigates, the process can extend for a year or more, leading to mounting expenses and increased stress levels.

Our Expertise
Our Tax Investigation Service means that should you, or your business, suffer an HMRC investigation we can:
Provide you with full professional representation from tax and accountancy staff who already know you and understand your tax affairs
Handle HMRC on your behalf by dealing with all correspondence and attending all meetings
Negotiate the best possible result for you
We believe that our Tax Investigation Service provides a lifeline to our clients by providing low cost, but valuable peace of mind, at a time when it is most needed.